Monday 31 May 2010

What this blog is about

I won't be posting on this blog every day. Rather I intend to use the blog to post items of various length discussing a range of social, cultural,and political issues that will be of interest to those on the Left.

We are currently living through one of the many crises of late capitalism, the full effects of which are not yet clear. What is clear is that the standard of living of millions of people in the UK and beyond is set to fall over the next decade, a decade that will also see the first significant effects of climate change. Through this blog I hope to develop themes and engage people in debate over new and more equitable ways we can organise ourselves to mitigate the worst of climate change and develop more just and sustainable economies and social structures.

As well as these 'meta-narrative' types of post, I will also be making short posts regarding current political issues and events in the UK and beyond.

The posts will be in the form of short articles inviting comment, and all comment is invited. To ensure that the blog has a wide a circulation as possible the posts will be replicated as notes on Facebook and all possible social networking links will be developed. I hope that you will find the discussions intersting and stimulating.